Eight employee Q, R, S, T, W, X, Y and Z of the multinational company (MNC) will have to attend the meeting in the months of August and December but not necessarily in the same order. In each month, the meeting will conduct on dates 21st, 23th, 27th and 31st of the given month. Only one person will attend the meeting on these given dates. Q will attend the meeting on either 27th August or 27thi December. There is only one person will attend the meeting between Q and T. There are two persons will attend the meeting between the T and R. There is one person will attend the meeting between the Rand S. S will attend the meeting on 23th of any month either December or August. Only one person will attend the meeting between S and W. There are as many as the person will attend the meeting between Wand Y as between Y and Z. X will not attend the meeting on 21st of August.
If T is related to Q and R is related to S, in the same way Y is related to?
The correct Answer is:A
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