Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below
On particular day three exams SBI, IBPS and RBI are going to be conducted in a college. Each of the exam is going to be conducted in two shifts. Six students P, Q, R, S, T, U are going to give the exam in six different shifts. Each of the shift is either of 1 or 2 hours duration. There is no break or gap between the two consecutive shifts. There is duration of 3 hours between the ending of shift-1 and starting of shift-4. T is giving the exam of SBI. Two persons are going to give exam between T and Q. The duration of the exam held immediately before the exam of U is 2 hours. The total duration of exams of P and Q is 3 hours. The last shift is ended at 5:00 pm. Each shift of RBI exam is going to be conducted for 2 hours. P does not give the exam of RBI. None of the single exam is going to be conducted in two consecutive shifts. The total duration of all the exams conducted on that day is 8 hours. P gives the exam before Q. S gives the exam of SBI in the last shift. U gives the exam after T. Not more than three persons give exam between T and S.
The one who is giving the exam immediately before Q is giving the exam of which of the following?
Either (a) or (b)
The correct Answer is:A
The last shift is ended at 5:00 pm. S gives the exam of SBI in the last shift.. Each shift of RBI exam is going to be conducted for 2 hours. The total duration of all the exams conducted on that day is 8 hours. Each of the shift, is either of 1 or 2 hours duration. The total duration of exams of P and Q is 3 hours. Y does not give the exam of RBI. So,-from these conditions it is clear that gives the exam of RBI which is of 2 hours duration. T is giving the exam of SBI. None of the single exam is going to be conducted in two consecutive shifts. Two persons are going to give exam between T and Q. U gives the exam after T. So, from the given conditions we get two possibilities------------
None of the single exam is going to be conducted in two consecutive shifts. There is duration of 3 hours between the ending of shift-1 and starting of shift-4. P gives the exam before Q. The duration of the exam held immediately before the exam of U is 2 hours.
Not more than three persons give exam between T and S. So, from this case-2 will be eliminated. And the final arrangement is------

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