Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W were giving exam of different types viz. IIT, CLAT, SSC, IBPS, NET, NEET, CA, UPSC but not necessarily in the same order. They got different ranks among 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 only. Two of them got the same rank while two of them were not be able to qualify the exam. W got two ranks higher than V (means the difference of numerical value of their rank's is two). S got three ranks lower than Q. The one who gives exam of NEET got the first rank. The person who was giving the exam of NET was not be able to qualify the exam. The one wo is giving the exam of CA got higher rank than the one who is giving the exam of IBPS. V did not get the last rank. U who is giving exam of CLAT was not be able to qualify. P's rank was just lower than the one who is giving the exam of IIT. The persons who were giving exam of UPSC and SSC got the same rank but they did not get the 2nd rank. The exam of IBPS was not given by Pand T.T did not give exam of SSC and NET. Q did not give the exam of IIT. The one who gave the exam of fit did not get 4th position.
Who among the following got the same rank?
S, W
T, P
Q, V
U, V
The correct Answer is:B
The one who gives exam of NEET got the first rank. W got two ranks higher than V (means the difference of numerical value of their rank.s is two). S got three ranks lower than Q. V did not get the last rank. The persons who were giving exam of UPSC and SSC got the same rank but they did not get the 2nd rank. U who is giving exam of CLAT was not be able to qualify. So, from this there will be two possible cases--
U who is giving the exam of CLAT was not be able of qualify. Further, P.s rank was just lower than the one who is giving the exam of IIT. T did not give exam of SSC and NET. The one who is giving the exam of CA got higher rank than the one who is giving the exam of IBPS. Q did not give the exam of IIT. The person who was giving the exam of NET was not be able to qualify the exam. So, clearly Rwas giving the exam of NET and not be able to qualify the exam.
U who is giving the exam of CLAT and Rwas giving the exam of NET were not be able of qualify.
The exam of IBPS was not given by P and T. So, from this case-1 will be eliminated. The one who was giving the exam of CA got higher rank than the one who is giving the exam of IBPS. The one who gave the exam of IIT did not get 4th position. So, clearly P got 4th rank. So, the final arrangement is-------

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