Study the information given below and answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are sitting in a row. Four of them are facing north while four of them are facing south. No two persons according to alphabetical order are sitting together (for ex- A can't sit near to B and B can't sit near to A & Cand so on). Also each of them is of different age. E sits third to the right of C and his age is a square of 5. C sits at one of the extreme end of the row. Only one person sit between E and H. H's age is 4/5th of the age of E. F sits to the immediate left of D and also faces same direction as D. B is not an immediate neighbour of E and faces opposite direction as C. Neither D nor F sits at an extreme end. Both Gand E are facing same direction to each other but opposite direction to B. A sits to the left of H but H does not face North. A faces same direction as E.
How many persons are sitting between A and F?
The correct Answer is:C
E sits third to the right of C and his age is a square of 5. C sits at one of the extreme end of the row. Only one person sit between E and H.
Neither D nor sits at an extreme end. F sits to the immediate left of D and also faces same direction as D. From the given condition we get that H is an immediate neighbour of C.
H.s age is 4/5th of the age of E. B is not an immediate neighbour of E and faces opposite direction as C. So, clearly B sits at the other end and faces opposite direction of C.
Now, we know that the only place left for G is between E and D. and Fwill sit to the immediate right of B.F sits to the immediate left of D-and also faces same direction as D. So, F and D face North direction in case-1 and face South in case-2. Rest A sits in between H and E.
A sits to the left of H but H does not face North. So, from this case-1 will be eliminated. Now Both G and E are facing same direction to each other but opposite direction to B. A faces same direction as E. So, the final arrangement is---

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