Study the information given below and answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are sitting in a row. Four of them are facing north while four of them are facing south. No two persons according to alphabetical order are sitting together (for ex- A can't sit near to B and B can't sit near to A & Cand so on). Also each of them is of different age. E sits third to the right of C and his age is a square of 5. C sits at one of the extreme end of the row. Only one person sit between E and H. H's age is 4/5th of the age of E. F sits to the immediate left of D and also faces same direction as D. B is not an immediate neighbour of E and faces opposite direction as C. Neither D nor F sits at an extreme end. Both Gand E are facing same direction to each other but opposite direction to B. A sits to the left of H but H does not face North. A faces same direction as E.
If all the persons are sitting in an increasing order of age from west to east then what can be the probable age of A?
The correct Answer is:D
E sits third to the right of C and his age is a square of 5. C sits at one of the extreme end of the row. Only one person sit between E and H.
Neither D nor sits at an extreme end. F sits to the immediate left of D and also faces same direction as D. From the given condition we get that H is an immediate neighbour of C.
H.s age is 4/5th of the age of E. B is not an immediate neighbour of E and faces opposite direction as C. So, clearly B sits at the other end and faces opposite direction of C.
Now, we know that the only place left for G is between E and D. and Fwill sit to the immediate right of B.F sits to the immediate left of D-and also faces same direction as D. So, F and D face North direction in case-1 and face South in case-2. Rest A sits in between H and E.
A sits to the left of H but H does not face North. So, from this case-1 will be eliminated. Now Both G and E are facing same direction to each other but opposite direction to B. A faces same direction as E. So, the final arrangement is---

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