Read the given information carefully and answer the following questions.
Six-boxes A, B, C, D, E, F are placed one above another of different color viz. Blue, White, Black, Purple, Red, Pink. Each of the box is of different size. The smallest box is placed at the top. Two boxes are placed in between box B and box D which is of Blue color? The second largest box is placed immediately above box D. Only one box is smaller than box E. Box C is of Purple color. Black box is larger than White box but smaller than Purple box. Box F is neither of White color nor of black colour, Box B is not of Black color. Box B is larger than Pink box which is larger than Red box. Only two boxes are placed between box F and A. Only three boxes are placed in between largest box and third smallest box but the largest box is placed below the third smallest box.
What is the color of the second largest box?
The correct Answer is:D
Two boxes are placed in between box B and box D which is of Blue color. The second largest box is placed immediately above box D. From this there can be two possible cases---
Only one box is smaller than box E. So, from this it is clear that E is the 2nd smallest box. Further Box C is of Purple color. Black box is larger than White box but smaller than Purple box. Box F is neither of White color nor of black colour. Box B is not of Black color. Box B is larger than Pink box which is larger than Red box. So, from these conditions we get that either A or E is the smallest box. But we know that only F can be of Red color. From this weget that F is the smallest box and it is of Red color. The smallest box is placed at the top. So, three possible cases are shown below-----
The arrangement according to the size of boxes is----
Only two boxes are placed between box Fand.A. Box B is larger than Pink box which is larger than Red box. So, B is of white color and box E is of Pink Color. Only three boxes are placed in between largest box and third smallest box but the largest box is placed below the third smallest box. So, from this we get that Case-1a and case-2 will be eliminated as there is no place left for largest box which is box C. So the final arrangement is-----
Arrangement according to size to the boxes is............
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(f) H2+FCl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
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