Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follows. Three persons P, Q, and R are standing in a park. They are standing in a straight line which is aligned in the North-South direction. They are standing at three different points A, B and C. Point B is equidistant from point A and C. They are facing either east or west direction. P started moving ahead from. point A and reached point D after walking 3 meters. After that from point D, he turned right and moved two meters to reach point E.where he stopped. Q started from moving ahead from point B and reached point F after walking three meters. Then from F, he tuşned towards right and moved four meters to reach point G from where he turned right and moved eight meters to reach point H. R started moving ahead from point C and after walking five meters, he reached point I. Then from point I he took a left turn and kept on walking ahead till he reached point H. Point F is to the west of point E. A is in north of point C.
What is the total distance travelled by R to reach point H?
8 meters
9 meters
11 meters
10 meters
The correct Answer is:C
From the information given in the question,
P Q and Rare standing in a straight line which is aligned in the North-South direction. They are standing at three different points A, B and C Point Blis equidistant from point A and C. They are facing either east or west direction. P started moving ahead from point A and reached point Dafter walking 3 meters. From point D, he turned right and moved two meters to reach point E where he stopped. started from moving ahead from point B and reached point F after walking three meters. Point F is to the west of point E. Point A is in north of point C.
So we have,
Step 2. Proceeding with the remaining information,
From F, he turned towards right and moved four meters to reach point G from where he turned right and moved eight meters to reach point H. R-started moving ahead from point and after walking five meters, he reached point I. From point I he took a left turn and këpt on walking ahead till he reached point H.
So we have our final solution as,

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