Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F, G participated in a race which is of a certain duration, also each of them got different ranks. The track is a linear one and is of 100m. The one who got first rank run complete 100m but rest all run different distance but less than 100m in that time. C ran 10 m more than G. Both A and B run less distance than D. One of the person covers 85m distance. The one who got II rankis only 5m behind the border line. C covers less distance than-F. The difference between the distance covered by C and D is 5m. None of the given person runs 90m and nobody covers less distance than 75m. The difference between the distance covered by Cand G is same as the distance covered by Fand A. F runs less distance than E. The difference between the sum of the distance covered by A and D and sum of the distance covered by E and F is 23. B covers 3m less distance than G.
What is the sum of the distance covered by A and B?
190 m
165 m
164 m
The correct Answer is:C
The one who got first rank run complete 100m but rest all run different distance but less than 100m in that time. The one who got II rank is only 5m behind the border line. Means the one who got II rank runs 95m. The difference between the distance covered by C and D is 5m. C covers less distance than F. Fruns less distance than E. Both A and B run less distance than D. Means either For D got second rank but None of the given person runs 90m. C run 10 km more than G. So, clearly F got II rank.
The difference between the distance covered by C and G is same as the distance covered by Fand A So, clearly A covers 85m. The difference between the sům of the distance covered by A and D and sum of the distance covered by-Eand F is 23. From this we get that D covers 87m.
The difference between the distance covered by Cand Dis 5m. C run 10 km more than G. Nobody covers less distance than 75m. It means Cruns 92m and runs 82m and also C & D got III and IV rank respectively. B covers 3m less distance than G So, the final arrangement is---

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(b) B+DCl→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(c) C+2DCl→2D+CCl2
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