In the following questions, the symbols #, &, @, * and $ are used with the following meanings as illustrated below. Study the following information and answer the given questions:
Note: The directions which are given indicates exact sitting positions of the persons.
A#B-A is in third to the left of B.
A@B-A is in second to the right of B
A&B - A is in forth to the left of B.
A%B-Two person sit between A and B
A*B - A sits to the left of B.
A$B-A is third to the right of B.
A © B- Three person sit between A and B
In the given figure the two-line segments 1,2 are PQ, RS respectively. The lengths of the line are 45m, 60m respectively.
Eight persons are sitting in a row PQ facing north. Each of them is sitting at a distance which is a multiple of 6 from the. left end (i.e. suppose Dia is left end of the line at point P then the remaining people will stand at a distance as follows -6m, 12m, 18m... from the end).
Priya & Pihu
Anu % Riya
Diya # Anu
Piya @ Siya
Kiya * Siya
Now all these persons are made to sit in another row-2 RS, but not in the same order. Each of them is sitting at a distance which is a multiple of 7 from the left end (i.e. suppose is Dia is left end of the line at point R then the remaining people will stand at a distance as follows -7m, 14m, 21m... from the end).
Anu © Siya
Diya @ Siya
Kiya # Pihu
Priya % Kiya
Riya * Piya
Which of the following represents Priya's position with respect to Piya's position in row-2(RS)?
Immediate right
Third to the left
Second to the right
Forth to the left.
The correct Answer is:D
Eight persons are sitting in a row PQ facing north at multiple of 6 from left end so remaining distance from the right end will be 3m. And the sitting positions of the persons are based on the given information--
Priya & Pihu - Priya is forth to the left of Pihu
Anu% Riya - Two person sit between Anu and Priya
Diya #Anu - Diya is third to the left of Anu
Piya @ Siya - Piya is second to the right of Siya
Kiya * Siya - Kiya is to the left of Siya
So, from above conditions the sitting arrangement is---
Now all these persons are made to sit in another row-2 RS, but not in the same order. Each of them is sitting at a distance which is a multiple of 7 from the left end so remaining distance from the right end will be 11m. And the sitting positions of the persons are based on the given information -
Anu © Siya - Three persons sit between Anu and Siya
Diya @ Siya - Diya is second to the right of Siya
Kiya #.Pihu - Kiya is third to the left of Pihu
Priya % Kiya - Two person sit between Priya and Kiya
Riya * Piya - Riya is to the left of Piya
So, from above conditions the sitting arrangement is---

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(a) ACl2+B→BCl2+A
(b) B+DCl→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(c) C+2DCl→2D+CCl2
(d) C+ECl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
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