Study the following information to answer the given questions:
Nine boxes are placed in the given formation. Box O is placed above box R. Box S is placed to the west of box P. Box R is not placed next to box S (as it can be placed anywhere above or below.S). Box N is placed below L.which is not placed at top. BoxR is placed to the east of N. Box Mis placed below N which is below box Q. Box P is placed below R but above M. Box L is not placed next to O and not in the east of box Q. Box K is not in the west of R.
Which of the following box is placed next (either in east or west) to R?
Box N
Box N and K
Box N and P
Box O and N
The correct Answer is:B
Box O is placed above box R. Box S is placed to the west of box P. Box R is not placed next to box S (as it can be placed anywhere above or below S): Box R is placed to the east of N. Box M is placed below Nwhich is below box Q. Box P is placed below R but above M.
Box N is placed below L. which is not placed at top. Box L is not placed next to O and not in the east of box Q. Box K is not in the west of R. So, from this case-2 and case-3 gets eliminated.
So, the final arrangement is ----
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