Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven boxes B, A, C, J, K, G, D are placed one above another in a truck. All the box are of different colours. All these boxes are placed in a linear row from west to east when truck unloaded. Initially when boxes are arranged vertically in the truck, the arrangement is---
Blue colour box is kept immediately above Green colour box. Only two boxes are kept between box Kand the Green colour box. Blue colour box is kept above box K which is Yellow colour box. More than three boxes are kept between box C and box which is Blue in colour. Only three boxes are kept between box Cand box D. Only one box is kept between box D and box B, which is not kept immediately above box K. Box B is not of Blue colour. Box A is of Black colour which is kept immediately below G. After Unloading, the red colour box is placed third from the west and is not kept at the top or at the bottom. Box K is placed on the immediate right of C, which is not kept second from the west. White colour box is placed third to the left of Box A, which is placed immediate right of box J. Pink Colour Box is place on the immediate right of Green colour Box and second to left of White colour box.
Which of the following colour box is kept at the east end?
The correct Answer is:A
Initially:- Blue colour box is kept immediately above Green colour box. Only two boxes are kept between box K and the Green colour box. Blue colour box is kept above box K which is Yellow colour box. More than three boxes are kept between box C and box which is Blue in colour. Only three boxes are kept between box C and box D.
Only one box is kept between box D and box B, which is not kept immediately above box K. Box B is not of Blue colour. So, from these statement case 2 will be eliminated.
Box A is of Black colour which is kept immediately below G. Therefore, J is of Blue color.
After Unloading, the red colour box is placed third from the westand is not kept at the top or at the bottom. Box Kis placed on the immediate right of C, which is not kept second from the west White colour box is placed third to the left of Box A, which is placed immediate right of box J. Pink Colour Box is place on the immediate right of Green colour Box and second to left of White colour box.
D (Green) > B(Pink) > G(Red) > C(White) > K(Yellow) > J(Blue) > A (Black)
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