Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, U, V give exam which is of maximum 500 marks, also each of them got different ranks according to their marks obtained. No two persons got same marks or same rank. The one who got first rank got complete 500 marks but rest all got different marks but less than 500 marks in that exam. R got 100 marks more than V. Both P and Q got less marks than S. One of the student got 400 marks. The one who got II rank got only 50.marks less than maximum marks. R got less marks than U. The difference between the marks obtained by R and S is 25. Nobody got marks less than 250m. The difference between the marks obtained by Rand V is same as the difference between the marks obtained by U and P. U got less marks than T. The difference between the sum of the marks obtained by. P and S and sum of the marks obtained by T and U is 225. Q got 50 marks less than V. None of the person got 425 marks.
How many persons got lower rank than P?









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The correct Answer is:C

The one who got first rank got complete 500 marks but rest all got different marks but less than 500m in that exam. The one who got II rank got only 50 marks less than maximum marks. R got 100 marks more than V. Both P and Q got less marks, than S. R got less marks than U. The difference between the marks obtained by Rand Sis 25. U got less marks than T. Q got 50 marks less than V. None of the person got 425 marks. So, clearly T got I rankand U got II rank.
R got 100 marks more than V. The difference between the marks obtained by Rand V is same as the difference between the marks obtained by U and P. So, the marks obtained by Pis 350. The difference between the sum of the marks obtained by P and Sand sum of the marks obtained by T and U is 225. So, the marks obtained by S is 375. No two persons got same marks or same rank. Now, the marks obtained by R will be 400.
R got 100 marks more than V.Q got 50 marks less than V. So, the final arrangement is---


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