Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Six people Tarun, charu, Visakha, Monika, Anko and Viraj are born in different years with the current base is taken as 2018. None of them is older than 90 years old. They like different fruits apple, Orange, Grapes, Cherry, Mango, Banana.
Note- The last two digits or reverse of the last two digits of the year in which a person is born can be the age of some other person. (Like A is born 'in 1943 and age of B is denoted by the last two digits of the birth year of A. Then B's age will be either 34 or 43).
Tarun was born in the year 1983. The difference of age between Tarun and Charu is 21 years. Visakha age is sum of the digits of the year in which Charu was born. The one who likes mango is 5 years elder to Visakha. Anko age is either the last two digits or reverse of the last two digits of the year in which the person who likes mango was born. Only one person is elder to Anko and Visakha likes apple. The one likes cherry is just younger to Anko. The difference between Viraj's and the one who likes cherry is 24 years. The one who likes banana was born in an even year. The one who likes orange is younger to the one who likes grapes both in odd number of years. Monika is younger than Viraj.
Who among the following likes Banana?
None of these
The correct Answer is:D
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