Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F attends lecture of six different subjects i.e .. English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Economics and Accounts in a same institute in six continuous time slots each of either 1.5 hour or 3 hours. There is no break time between lecture timings. First lecture starts at 6:30 AM. Three lectures three of 3 hours each and rest are of 1.5 hour each. B does not studies !icience or Economics. C does not studies accounts or Maths. A attends lecture of English and his lecture ends at 12:30 PM. There are two lectures between lectures of English and that of Hindi, which is of 1.5 hours. More than three persons attend lecture between D and F. D attends lecture immediate before the lecture of Economics, which starts at 9:30 AM. B attends lecture just after the one who attends lecture of accounts which is of 3 hours.
What is the timing of last lecture
5:30· 7:30 PM
5:30- 8:30 PM
6:30- 9:30 PM
6:30- 8 PM
The correct Answer is:D
A attends lecture of English and his lecture ends at 12:30 PM. There are two lectures between lectures of English and that of Hindi, which is of 1.5 hours. D attends lecture immediate before the lecture of Economics, which starts at 9:30 AM. Lecture of Hindi cannot be done before English as according of time slot it is not possible to arrange 4 lectures between 6:30 AM and 12:30 PM. Only one possible arrangement of Time slots-
B attends lecture just after the one who attends lecture of accounts which is of 3 hours. More than three persons attend lecture between D and F.
B does not studies Science or Economics. C does not studies accounts or Maths. Therefore, final arrangement will be

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