Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:
There are six employees A, B, C, D, E, F of a company and each of them have a different designation in a company viz. CMD, MD, CEO, COO, SE, JE. All the designations given are to be considered in a given order (as CMD is considered as Seniormost and JE is considered as the Junior-most).
Only two employees are junior than D. The MD likes the Red colour. The SE likes Banana. E likes Grapes and is senior than F, who likes Black colour. The one who likes Blue colour is just senior than the one who likes Apple. C likes Guava and is senior than who likes Green colour. B likes pink colour and is junior than F. The one who likes Mango is senior than the one, who likes Litchi. The one who likes Green colour is senior than the one who likes Banana. C does not like Red colour. D does not like Green colour. A is senior than the one who likes Black colour and he is not CEO. The one who likes yellow colour is junior than the one who likes Apple SE does not like Blue colour. F does not like Yellow colour.
Who among the following employee likes Green colour?
The correct Answer is:A
Only two employees are junior than D. The MD likes the Red colour. The SE likes Banana. E likes Grapes and is senior than the one wlio likes Banana. The one who likes Blue colour is just-senior than the one who likes Apple. C likes Guava and is senior than who likes Green colour.
E (Grapes)> (Banana) & Blue> Apple & C (Guava)> (Green)
B likes pink colour who is junior than F. The one who likes Mango is senior than the one, who likes Litchi. The one who likes Green colour is senior than the one who likes Banana: C.does not like )led colour. D does not like Green colour. A is senior than the one who likes Black colour and he fo not CEO. The one who likes yellow colour is junior than th.e one who likes Apple. SE does not like Blue colour. F does not like Yellow colour.

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