Study the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
There are seven friends i.e. A, B, C, D, E, H and I who have participated in a race competition of 100m, 200m, and 400m, not necessarily in the same order. They all got different ranks according to their performances i.e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd but not necessarily in the same order. They all belong to different states i.e. Haryana, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh (UP), Maharashtra, Assam, Chhattisgarh and Telangana but not necessarily in the same order.
Note:- Only three of them got 1st ranks. No two person gets the same rank in the same race.
H belongs to Assam and has participated in 200m race. E has got 2nd rank in a race but not in 200m. The one, who belongs to Bihar, has got 1st rank in 400m race. A belongs to Haryana and he does not participated in 200m race. B does not belong to Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh and B does not get 2nd rank. The one, who belongs to Chhattisgarh has participated in 400m race and got 2nd rank. C has got 1st rank in a 200m race. Among them only one person got 3rd rank in the race, who belongs to Maharashtra. The one, who belongs to Uttar Pradesh, got 2nd rank in 100m race. Both E and I does not belong to UP. Three persons participated in 100m race.
Who among them got the 3rd rank in the race?
The correct Answer is:C
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - H belongs to Assam and has participated in 200m race. E has got 2nd rank in a race but not in 200m. E does not belong to Uttar Pradesh. The one, who belongs to Uttar Pradesh, got 2nd rank in 100m race. C has got 1st rank in a 200m race, and as it is given that no two person got the same rank in the same race hence H got 2nd as it is given that, only one person got 3rd rank in the race, who belongs to Maharashtra.
Step 2: It is given that, The one, who belongs to Bihar has got 1st rank in 400m race. A is from Haryana and he does not participated in 200m race. Now it is given that I does not belong to UP and B does not get the second rank so D belongs to Uttar Pradesh . B does not belong to Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh, and he does not get 2nd rank so B is from Bihar. I belongs to Maharashtra as it that it the only possibility left.
Step 3: Now it is given that the one who is from Chhattisgarh got 2nd rank in a 400m race so E belongs to Chhattisgarh and C belongs to Telangana. And as it is given that only three of them got 1st rank. Three of them participated in 100m race, so I and A participated in 100m race and A got 1st rank, Hence we can deduce our final answer from the above definite conditions.

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