Study the following information and answer the questions given below:
There are nine boxes which are kept one above the other such that the box which is placed at the bottom most position is numbered 1 and so on till the box which is placed at the top position is numbered 9.
All the boxes contain different number of pens in it.
Note: The number of pens in a box is equal to the multiple of the place number of the box which is kept immediately above it i.e. The number of pens in the box which is kept at the bottom is equal to the multiple of is 2, 4, 6... and so on and the number of pens in the box which is placed at the top (9th position) is 10, 20, 30 and so on.
Only two boxes are kept between the box having 42 pens and box A. Box I is kept at the odd number position but immediately below box F. There is only one box is kept between box E and box having 25 pens, Box D is kept immediately above the box containing 63 pens. Box E does not contain 63 pens. The number of pens in Box G is equal to the difference between the number of pens in box D and box I. Box B is kept above the box having 8 pens. Box G contains 21 less pens than box A contains. Only three boxes are kept between bax D and the box containing 12 pens. Only two boxes are kept between box H and the box having 12 pens. More than three boxes are kept between box C and box H. The box having pens which is a perfect square of 3 is kept immediately above box C. The number of pens in box D is equal to the sum of the number of pens in box H and the box which is placed at 2nd position.
Number of boxes between I and the box having 63 pens is same between the box B and the box?
Box G
42 pens
81 pens
Box C
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The correct Answer is:C
There is only one box is kept between box E and box having 25 pens. Box D is kept immediately above the box containing 63 pens. Box E does not contain 63 pens. Only three boxes are kept between box D and the box containing 12 pens.
Only two boxes are kept between box H and the box having 12 pens. More than three boxes are kept between box C and kept immediately above box C. The number of pens in box D is equal to the sum of the number of pens in box H and the box which is placed at 2nd position. (i.e. Box H contains 63 pens and 2nd position box contains 9 pens so total number of pens in box D is =(63+9)=72 pens but it is given that 9th position box contains number of pens which is a multiple of 10). So, case 1 and case 2 gets eliminated.
Only two boxes are kept between the box having 42 pens and box A. Box I is kept at the odd number position but immediately below box F. The number of pens in Box G is equal to the difference between the number of pens in box D and box I. Box B is kept above the box having 8 pens. Box G contains 21 less pens than box A contains.
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