Study the following information carefully to answer the given question.
Seven different boxes 'namely P, Q, R, S, T, U, V having different no. of articles in it placed one above the other. No. Of articles is 2, 6,9,11,15,16,20but not necessarily in the same order. The following information is given below.
There are two boxes between S and the box in which there is 11 articles. Two boxes are placed between P and the box in which there is 9 articles. There are only three boxes between Tand the box which have 9 articles.S is placed below P. U is immediately below the box which has 15 articles. P doesn't have 15 articles. Only one box is there between Q and V. There are two boxes between the boxes having 15 and 6 articles. S lies above the box having 11 articles. The difference between no of articles in boxes S andthe box which isjust above S is greater than 10. The number of articles in the box which is just above V is less than the no. of articles in V.Q does not have 6 number of articles. U does not have 9 articles.
How many articles are there in box 'S'?
The correct Answer is:C
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