Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions,
Seven different Containers B, D, F, K, L, G and O contain seven different chocolates namely viz., Dairy milk, Kit-kat, Perk, Galaxy, Bournville, Temptation and Snickers are arranged one above the other. The Container at the bottom of arrangement is numbered 1, the above Container is numbered 2 and so on.
The Container which contains Galaxy chocolate is immediately below B. Only one Container is between the Dairy milk Container and G. O is immediately above the Temptation Container. There are three containers above the Container that contains Dairy milk. Only two Containers are between the Kitkat Container and the Container that contains Snickers. Only two Containers are between the Container which contains the Galaxy chocolate and the Container which contains Dairy milk. D is immediately above L. The Container filled with Perk is neither at the top nor at the bottom of the arrangement. Container D does not contain Dairy milk. Only one Container is between D and the Container which one is filled with Kitkat. D is placed above the Kitkat Container. F is placed immediately above G. Neither F nor O contains Galaxy.
As per the given arrangement K is related to Bournville and G is related to Temptation in a certain way.Then O is erelated to which of the following in the same way?
Dairy milk
The correct Answer is:C
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