Read the given information carefully and answer the questions,
Six boxes M, N, O, P, Q, and S are placed one above another, also they are different colours i.e. Red, Yellow, Pink, Green, White, and Blue (but not necessarily in the same order). M is placed either top or bottom, only 2 boxes are placed between Mand P, whose colour is green. The box which is placed bottom'is of white colour. Only 1 box is placed between P and S. Box Q is not placed just above and below box P. Box O is placed below Q but not just below Q. Blue coloured box is placed between P and S. The box which is placed just above N is of yellow colour. Pink coloured box is not placed at top. Box N is not placed above M.
How many boxes are placed between Q and S?
More than three
The correct Answer is:B
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