Eight boxes K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R of different weights are arranged vertically from top to bottom such as one box is placed above other. The box which is lightest is placed second from the top. There are three boxes placed in between M and Q. M is just heavier than O but is not the lightest: R is third heaviest and placed at the bottom. There are more than three boxes placed between M and R. The box which is heaviest is placed immediately above K. N is heavier than M but lighter than K. Neither L nor Q is lighter than K. Only two boxes are placed between the box which is heaviest and the box which is lightest. Two boxes are placed between second lightest and forth lightest box. Both the boxes which are adjacent to M are lighter than it.
Step I: Let us start with the detail solution. M is just heavier than 0 but is not the lightest. R is third heaviest and placed at the bottom. N is heavier than M but lighter than K. Neither L nor is lighter than K. From this we will get that- L/Q > L/Q > R > K> N > M > O > P
Step II: R is third heaviest and placed at the bottom. The box which is lightest is placed second from the top. There are three boxes placed in between Mand Q. There are more than three boxes placed between Mand R. Now there can be two possible cases-
Step III: The box which is heaviest is placed immediately above K. Only two boxes are placed between the box which ism heaviest and the box which is lightest. From these conditions, we can see that in case-1, the heaviest box will be L while in case-2 the heaviest box will be Q. Now, from case-1 and case 2.
Step IV:Two boxes are placed between second lightest and forth lightest box. Both the boxes which are adjacent to Mare lighter than it. So, from this case-2 will be eliminated. Now, with case-1, we will get that box L will be heaviest.
The arrangement according to the weight is- L > Q > R > K > N > M > O > P
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