An electronic device when fed with the numbers, rearranges them in a following certain rules. The following is a step-by-step prorement for the given input of numbers.
Input :85, 16, 36,04, 19,97, 63, 09
step I:97, 85, 16, 36, 04, 19, 63, 09
step II: 97, 85, 63, 16 ,36, 04, 19, 09
step III:97,85, 63, 36 ,16, 04, 19, 09
step IV:97, 85, 63, 36, 19, 16, 04 ,09
step V: 97, 85, 63, 36 ,19, 16 ,09 ,04
(For the given input, step V is the last step.)
Which of the following will be step III for the given input? Input: 09 25 16 30 32 18 17 06
32 09 25 16 30 18 17 06
32 30 09 25 16 19 17 06
32 30 25 09 16 19 17 06
32 25 09 16 30 19 17 06
Clearly, in the given arrangement, the numbers have been descending order in a sequence, altering the position of only one huile in each step.
Input: 09 25 16 30 32 19 17 17 06
Step 1: 32 0 9 25 16 30 19 17 06
Step II: 3230 09 25 16 1917 06
Step III: 32 30 25 09 16 19 17 06
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An electronic device when fed with the numbers, rearranges them in a following certain rules. The following is a step-by-step prorement for the given input of numbers.
Input :85, 16, 36,04, 19,97, 63, 09
step I:97, 85, 16, 36, 04, 19, 63, 09
step II:97, 85, 63, 16 ,36, 04, 19, 09
step III:97,85, 63, 36 ,16, 04, 19, 09
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step V:97, 85, 63, 36 ,19, 16 ,09 ,04
(For the given input, step V is the last step.)
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