Study the following information-carefully to answer the given questions.
D, E, F, G, H, I and j are seven family members of different age. Each person watches seven different movies viz, Resident Evil, 'Logan, Wonder woman, Transformers, Thor, Darkest hour and Jumanji but not necessarily in the same order. Each person goes to watch movie on one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday (of the same week). There would be separate age of each person.
The Total age of all the persons is 180 years. The minimum and maximum age of any person would be 10 years and 50 years respectively. There are two pairs of members of same age group. The ages of the persons are multiple of 10.
The person, who watches Transformers, goes on Thursday. The person, who watches Darkest Hour, neither goes on Tuesday nor on Saturday. The person, who watches Wonder woman, goes immediately after D. E does not watch Transformers. The person, who watches Resident Evil is 10 years old. E goes on one of the days before Friday. Neither H nor I goes on Sunday. I goes immediately after H. D is elder than F. The age of F is the sum of the age of E and I. The persons, who watches Resident Evil & the one who watches Logan are of the same age group. The one who is the eldest among them is immediately preceded by the person who is 10 years younger than the eldest person. The difference between ages of the persons who goes on Friday and Sunday is equal to the age of D. The person who watches Resident Evil is immediately preceded and followed by F and j respectively. The age of the person who goes on Sunday is less than 30 years. Only one person goes between the person, who watches Transformers and the person, who watches Wonder woman. The person, who watches Logan, goes after two days of the person, who watches Resident Evil. The person, who watches Jumanji, neither goes on Monday nor Sunday. The person, who watches Wonder woman, does not go on the immediate next day of the person who watches Logan goes. The person, who watches Thor, goes on Monday.
Which of the following movie is watched by the person, who goes on Friday?
Resident Evil
Wonder Woman
The correct Answer is:B
It is given that the one who watches transformers goes on Thursday. The person, who watches Thor, goes on Monday. The person, who watches Logan, goes after two days of the person, who watches Resident Evil. Only one person goes between the person, who watches Transformers and the person, who watches Wonder woman, who goes just after D. The person, who watches Jumanji, is neither goes on Monday nor Sunday. The person who watches Resident Evil is immediately preceded and followed by F and J, so there can be two possibilities.
It is given that I goes on immediately after Hand neither H nor I goes on Sunday so from this case-1 will be eliminated. In case-2, H and I goes for a movie on Friday and Saturday respectively. E goes on one of the days before Friday so E goes on Wednesday. G goes on Sunday.
The persons, who watches Resident Evil & the one who watches Logan are of the same age group so they are 10 years old. The age of F is the sum of the age of E and I so F is 20 years old. The age of the person who goes on Sunday is less than 30 years so his age is 20 years because 10 years can be the age of maximum two persons. The difference between ages of the persons who goes on Friday and Sunday is equal to the age of years. The one who is the eldest among them is immediately preceded by the person who is 10 years younger than the eldest person so .s age is 40 years.

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