Twelve friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, O, K, L and M live in the same authority. The authority has two buildings in which there are different flats. They live in different flats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and Lin two different buildings which are parallel to each other. Building 1 is facing west and Building 2 is facing east: G, H, I, J, K and L flats are in Building 1 and A, B, C, D, E and F are in Building 2 Each flat of Building 1 is exactly opposite the other flat in Building 2. All flats are placed on ground floor.
i. Flat C, which is at one of the ends of the building, is second to the left of Flat F.
ii. There are two Flats between Flat A and Flat B.
iii. There is only one Flat between Flat J and Flat K.
iv. Flat L is third to the right of Flat H.
v. Flat L is not opposite to Flat C and Flat F.
vi. Flat J and Flat K are not opposite to Flat C. Flat G is adjacent to Flat J .
vii. Flat D, which is not opposite to Flat K, is not adjacent to Flat A.
Which of the following Flats are at the ends of the building?
The correct Answer is:D
From (1) and (ii), Flat Cat the left end and second to the left of F. Either Flat A or B sits immediate right to Flat C. There are two flats between A and B.
Flat J,K,H and L is not placed opposite to Flat C so Either Flat G or I is placed opposite to Flat C. If Flat G is placed opposite to Flat C, J is placed immediate left to G so L is placed opposite to Flat F which can.t be possible according to condition (v).
Flat I is placed opposite to Flat C. Flat L cannot be placed opposite to F so L is placed immediate left to Flat I. Flat G and Flat J are immediate so J is placed immediate right of H and immediate left to G. It is given that Flat D is not placed opposite to K, So D is placed between B and F.

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