Eight friends J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are seated in a straight line facing north, but not necessarily in the same order.
* N sits third to the left of O who sits at one of the extreme end of the row.
* Neither N nor O is an immediate neighbor of L.
* Q and L is an immediate neighbor. Neither Q nor L sits extreme end of the row.
* K sits third to the right of L.
* M does not sit at any extreme end of the row.
* Neither M nor Q is neighbour of N and J is third to the left of M .
Based on the given arrangement, which of the following is true with respect to N?
Only two persons sit between N and M.
Only two persons sit to the right of N.
None of the given options is true.
Both J and Kare immediate neighbors of N.
The correct Answer is:D
Step-1:- N sits third to the left of O who sits at one of the extreme end of the row. Neither N nor O is an immediate neighbor of L.
Final Step:-K sits third to the right of L. M does not sit at any extreme end of the row. Neither M nor Q is neigbour of N and J is third to the left of M.

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