Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are eight persons born in different years i.e. 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993 and 1995 in same date and same month (the base year is taken as 2020). They all live in different places i.e. Nainital, Chamba, Ranikhet, Chakrata, Rishikesh, Dehradun, Auli and Tehři. All the information is not necessarily in the same order,
D was born before four persons. Two persons were born between D and C. F was born just after C who lives in Rishikesh. Age of G is divisible by 5 but he is not the youngest among all. As many persons born before A are same as person born after B. Three persons were born between the one who lives in Auli and the one who lives in Rishikesh. B was born after the one who lives in Auli. The person who lives in Chamba was born just before the person who lives in Auli, Three persons were born between the person who lives in Chamba and the person who lives in Chakrata. H is younger than E. H doesn't live in Chamba. The person who lives in Dehradun was born just after the one who lives in Nainital, but he is not E. Three persons were born between the person who lives in Dehradun and the one who lives in Tehri.
The person who is the oldest among all, lives in which city?
The correct Answer is:B
D was born before four persons. Two persons were born between D and C. F was born just after C who lives in Rishikesh. Age of G is divisible by 5 but he is not the youngest among all. So, here get 2 possible cases i.e. case 1 and case 2:
Three persons were born between the one who lives in Auli and the one who lives in Rishikesh. As many persons born before A are same as person born after B. B was born after the one who lives in Auli. The person who lives in Chamba was born just before the person who lives in Aull. Three persons were born between the person who lives in Chamba and the person who lives in Chakrata.
Chakrata H is younger than E. H doesn.t live in Chamba. So, case 2 will be eliminated. The person who lives in Dehradun was born just after the one who lives in Nainital but he is not el Three persons were born between the person who lives in Dehradun and the one who lives in Tehri.

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