Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons i.e. F, G, H, I, J, K, Land M were born on different months i.e. January, February, March, April, May, June, July and August but not necessarily in same order. There were three persons born between H and L and both were born on the month having 31 days. Both F and G were not born in the month of 31 days. M was born before K and after H. At least two persons were born between L and KF born before L and after G. There were as many persons born before I as after J. L born before ).
How many persons were born between Mand K?
The correct Answer is:A
From the given statements, there were three persons born between H and L and both were born on the month of 31 days. M was born before K and after H. At least two persons were born between L and K. Here we get two possibilities i.e. Case 1 and Case 2.
August TKK/ From the given statements, both Fand G were not born in the month of 31 days. F born before L and after G. Here, Case 2 is ruled out. There were as many persons born before I as after J. L born before).
So, final arrangement will be: -

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