Six players are participating in a game, Rocky, John and Smith are from team A while Bablu, Pintu and Chintu are from team B. There are two types of dices red and green. Team A'uses red dice while team B uses green dice.
Each throw earns the team some points on the basis of the brick arrangement (with weight written on its face) as per following result.
Rule 1. Total number of points earned = Total weight of all the bricks which are in contact with the brick which weights the same as the outcome.
For Example:
Rule 2. If the outcome obtained in the second consecutive throw by a particular team member is the same as that obtained by him in the first throw. Then the total points obtained according to Rule 1. for that throw will be deducted from the team total.
For ex. Let the Current total for Team A be 20. Throw 1 by John - Outcome = 4 - Points earned = 8, Team total - 28, Throw 2 by John - Outcome = 4 - Points deducted = 8, New total for Team
A = 20.
Rule 3. Total number of throws for each team should be 6! Following results were obtained in the same-sequence as given below.
1. John threw dice three times and earned maximum possible points for his team.
2. Bablu threw dice three times and the sum of the outcomes of three throws is 15. All the outcomes were different.
3. Rocky threw two times and earned minimum possible points for his team.
4. Pintu threw twice and the sum of the outcome of two throws is 12.
5. Smith threw and earned X points.
6. Chintu threw and earned 13 points for his team. Finally one team was defeated by 20 points.
If a person threw green dice three times and earned 47 points, then what could be the sum of the outcomes of his throws?
The correct Answer is:A
First, We should calculate and then make a table for the total points earned (using the given rules for each possible outcome for a particular dice. (Refer Rule 1.)
1. John threw dice three times and earned maximum possible points for his team. In such case the outcome should be 3,5,3 in same order) so the points earned = 17 + 14 + 17= 48
2. Bablu threw dice three times and the sum of the outcomes of three throws is 15. All the outcomes were different In such case the outcome should be 6,5, 4 (in any order) - so the points earned = 13 + 12+ 78=32
3 Rocky threw two times and earned minimum possible points for his team.
In such case the outcome could be 6,6 or 5,5 or. So the points earned = 11-11 or 14-14.= 0 (Rule 2)
4 Pintu threw twice and the sum of the outcomes of two throws is 12.
In such case the outcomes will be 6, 6. So the points earned = 0
5 Smith threw and earned X points. Only one throw left with team A so he threw once.
6 Chintu threw and earned 13 points for his team.
Only one throw left with team B so it means Chintu threw once and obtained 6 as the outcome.
Finally one team was defeated by 20 points. It means team B was defeated by 20 points and team A scored 65 points.
Minimum possible outcome = 0 (see rule 2.) 5. (a): 47 points can be earned in three throws only when the outcomes are 1:6 and 1 (in the same sequence).
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View Solutionसमान चालकता सेल में लिए गए दो विलयनों A तथा B के प्रतिरोध क्रमशः 50 ओम तथा 100 ओम है । यदि A व B के सामान आयतन मिला दिए जाये तो सामान चालकता सेल में मिश्रण का प्रतिरोध क्या होगा ?
(मोल A व B को मिलाने पर वियोजन की मात्रा में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है)
View Solutionनिम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें :
कथन I : यदि A और B प्रतिदर्श समष्टि S के संगत दो घटनाएँ ऐसा है कि P(A)=0.2 और P((B)=0⋅8 तो A⋃B एक सुनिश्चित घटना है |
कथन I : यदि A और B परस्पर अपवर्ती हों तो P(A)+P(B)=1 इन कथनो में :
View Solutionयदि बिन्दु A और B के स्थिति क्रमश: (1,2,3) और (-3,-4,0) हो, तो −−→AB=
View Solutionयदि A और B दो स्वतंत्र घटनाएँ हो तो
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