Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Six cars C, D, P, Q, R, S are parked in a row facing north at a distance which is successive multiple of 4m in an increasing order from the left end from each other. Car S is second to the right of car P. The total distance between car R and Q is 52m. car is parked in between car D and R. Car S and car Q are parked next to each other. Car C and car S are not parked next to D. Now Car D starts moving towards north direction after moving 10m its takes a right turn and stops at point T after moving 28m. Car C starts moving in east direction and after going 12m it turns right and move 20m and then again turn right and move 72m and stops there at point H. Car P starts moving in south direction and after moving 10m it takes a left turn and moves 20m then it again takes a left turn and moves 5m. From there it takes a right turn and moves 24m and stops at point V.
What is the distance and direction of initial position of Car 'C' with respect to the initial position of Car 'P'?
100 m towards east
50 m towards west
104 m towards east
72 m towards south-east
The correct Answer is:C
Car S is second to the right of car P. The total distance between car R and Q is 52m. Only one car is parked in between car D and R. Car S and car Q are parked next to each other. Car C and car S are not parked next to D.
Now Car D starts moving towards north direction after moving 10m its takes a right turn and stops at point T after moving 28m. Car C starts moving in east direction and after going 12m it turns right and move 20m and then again turn right and move 72m and stops there at point H.
Car P starts moving in south direction and after moving 10m it takes a left turn and moves 20m then it again takes a left turn and moves 5m. From there it takes a right turn and moves 24m and stops at point V.
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