Study the following information Carefully and answer the questions given below:
Ten persons are sitting in two parallel rows, five persons are sitting in row 1 facing north and rest in row 2 facing south having equal distance between each other i.e. each of them faces other persons.
These persons are made to sit according to their ages which increases from West to East direction in both rows but not necessarily in the given order. Two persons are sitting between P and the one whose age is 67 years. A is sitting just next to the one who faces T. Only one person is sitting between A and B. S is just next to the one who is 52 years old, but none of them is sitting at extreme end of the row. All the persons who are less than 30 years old faces South. C is sitting next to the one who is 33 years old.
B 9 years
E 12 years
P 32 years
S 45 years
R 52 years
A 25 years
T 67 years
D 33 years
89 years
C 40 years
What is the age of the one who sits adjacent to Q?
32 years
52 years
67 years
89 years
The correct Answer is:C
Two persons are sitting between P and the one whose age is 67 years. A is sitting just next to the one who faces T. Only one person is sitting between A and B. S is just next to the one who is 52 years old, but none of them is sitting at extreme end of the row. From these we get four possible cases---
All the persons who are less than 30 years old faces South. So, from this case-1 and 2 gets eliminated. C is sitting next to the one who is 33 years old. So, from this case-4 will also gets eliminated. And the final arrangement is-

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