Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are six bikes - P, Q, R, S, T, U - parked in a row facing north direction, but not necessarily in the same order. The distances between two adjacent bikes are successive multiples of five (i.e. if the distance between the 1st and the 2nd bike is 5 m, 1st and the 3rd bike is 10 m and between 1st and 4th bike is 15 m and so on.)
Information regarding all the bikes is:
I. Bike R is to the immediate right of P and the distance between them is 25m.
II. Bike T is to the left of Bike U but not immediate left and the total distance between them is 75m.
III. The person who has Bike Q takes his bike as he wants to go to his office so he moves 32 m in south direction from there he turns to his right and moves 12 m then he turns 90∘ in clockwise direction and moves 16m and after walking 8 m in east direction, he finally reached to his office.
IV. The total distance between bike T and P is a multiple of 11.
V. There is only one bike is parked to the right of Bike Q.
VI. If Bike S starts moving in north direction and after walking 18 m it turns to the right and covers 45m before turning to right. After that it moves 2m in the same direction Now Bike S, Bike R and another Bike V (which is exactly between Bike S and Bike R) will be in a straight line manner.
How far is Bike P from Bike R?
25 m
8 m
They don't align in the same straight line
32 m
The correct Answer is:B
From the given condition, Bike R is to the immediate right of P and the distance between them is 25m.
There is only one bike is parked to the right of Bike Q. The person who has Bike Q takes his bike as he wants to go to his office so he moves 32 m in south direction from there he turns to his right and moves 12 m then he turns 90∘ in clockwise direction and then moves 16m and after walking 8 m in east direction, he finally reached to his office.
Now, Bike R is to the immediate right of P and the distance between them is 25m. Bike T is to the left of Bike U but not immediate left and the total distance between them is 75m. So, Bike P cannot be at extreme left end and cannot be at third to extreme left end, as the distances between two adjacent bikes are successive multiples of five, so Bike T and Bike U cannot be placed according to the given condition.
So Bike P will second to the extreme left end and Bike R will be immediate right of Bike P. And according to the given conditions there will be two possible places for Bike T and Bike U-----
But it is given that the total distance between bike T and P is a multiple of 11. So from this case-1 will be eliminated. Now continue with case-2 there is only one place left for S. Also given that If Bike S starts moving in north direction and after walking 18 m it turns to the right and covers 45m before turning to right. After that it moves 2m in the same direction. Now Bike S, Bike R and another Bike V (which is exactly between Bike Sand Bike R) will be in a straight line manner.
So the final diagram will be-

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