Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
Seven cars A, B, C, D, E, I, H are parked in a linear row facing north in such a way that no two cars parked with each other of according to alphabetical order (for ex- A is not parked with B, B is not parked with A and C and so on).
Some cars either of Petrol or some are Diesel variant. I is third to the left of A. More than three cars are parked between the petrol cars. E is second to the right of B. H is a diesel car and parked at one of the extreme end. C is a diesel car and parked forth to the right of D. All the cars are arranged in ascending order according to the distance covered by them from left to right. Car B covers 27km and Car C cover 40km, H is to the right of E. I is of Diesel variant car and no petrol variant car parked next to it.
Which among the following are petrol cars?
D and E
A, I, B
A and D
A, I, D, B
The correct Answer is:C
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