Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. Eight famous doctors D, F, H, J, K, M, O and Q are from different hospitals, viz. Fortis, Dharamshila, Metro, Kailash, Appolo, AIIMS, Hinduja and Batra, are sitting in two parallel rows containing four doctors in each row, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent doctors. In row 1, D, F, H and J are sitting and all of them are facing north. In row 2, K, M, O and Q are sitting and all of them are facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member sitting in a row faces another member of the other row. (All the information given above does not necessarily represent the order of seating as in the final arrangement.) Doctor from Apollo faces the one who is on the immediate left of H. H is neither from Dharamshila nor from Metro. An immediate neighbour of K faces the doctor from Fortis. The doctor from AIIMS faces the person who is on the left of the doctor from Dharamshila. There is only one doctor sitting between the doctors from Dharamshila and Hinduja but that doctor is not D. The doctors from Dharamshila and Metro are not sitting at the extreme ends. M sits on the immediate left of the person from Appolo. Doctors from Kailash and AIIMS are immediate neighbours. O and F are not sitting at any of the ends. J faces the one who is sitting on the immediate right of the doctor from AIIMS. K is not from AIIMS or Kailash.
Who is sitting between and the doctor from Dharamshila when the doctor from Apollo interchange its position to the doctor sitting at its opposite?
The doctor who is from Metro
K and the doctor from AIIMS
The doctor who faces the one who is from AIIMS
The doctor who faces the one who is from Metro
The correct Answer is:D
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