Study the following carefully to answer the given questions.
Eight friends H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O are sitting in a row facing north. All of them belong to different countries viz. United states, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Mangolia, Japan and China. There is only one person between J and one who belong to Japan. N is neither an immediate neighbour of J nor he belong to Nepal. H sits fourth to the left of the one who belong to Japan but she does not belong to Afghanistan. The person who belongs to Mangolia is sits third to the right of the one who belong to Nepal and sits on the immediate right of H. The one who belong to Nepal sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. I does not belong to Nepal. M is an immediate neighbour of both N and J. O sits at one of the extreme end of the row but he does not belong to Nepal. The one who belong to China sits second to the right of the one who belong to Bangladesh. The one who belong to Mangolia and Afghanistan are immediate neighbours. L sits third to the left of J arid belong to Bhutan. There is only one person sitting between the one who belong to Bhutan and Mangolia.
The one who belong to United state is sitting?
Immediate right of the one who belong to Nepal
Immediate left of the one who belong to Mangolia
Immediate right of the one who belong to Bhutan
Both (b) and ( c)
The correct Answer is:D
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