Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
There are 6 friends J, K, L, M, N and O is sitting in a row facing north. They all are sitting at equal distance between two persons. But not necessary in the same order. J sits 10m, to the left of K who is walking 5m. toward south direction then take right turn and walk 10m. then again take a right turn and walk to reach J. M sits 5m. to the immediate left of L who is 15m. from K (from initial position). N starts walking towards north from his initial position, after walking of 7m. he takes a left turn than after 10m. of walking he reached point Y than turn left and reach O. N is not an immediate neighbor of M.
If L starts walking towards north after walking 7m. takes a right turn than which point he reach first?








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The correct Answer is:D

Step-1: J sits 10m. to the left of K who is walking 5m. Towards south direction than take right turn and walk 10m. then again take a right turn and walk to reach J. From the statement M sits 5m. to the immediate left of L we came to know that because of equal distance between two persons is same there must be 1 person is sitting between J and K.
Step-2: M sits 5m. to the immediate left of L, who is 15m. from K. So M and L could be left of K or right of K. there must be two possibilities. And 15m. from K which means there are two persons who are sitting between K and L.
Step-3: N starts walking towards north after walking of 7m. he takes a left turn than after 10m. of walking he reached point Y than turn left and reach O. N is not an immediate neighbor of M. From this statement Case-1 is not possible so it has eliminated.


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