Study the following information to answer the given questions.
L, K, G, F, E, A, I and Z are eight friends who are sitting in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing south while some are facing north. L sits fourth to left of A. A sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Both the immediate neighbours of L face north. K sits second to left of Z. Z is not an immediate neighbor of L. Neither Z nor G sits at the extreme end of the line. G faces opposite direction to F. Both the immediate neighbors of G face north. E sits second to the left of I. Immediate neighbours of F face opposite directions (i.e. if one neighbour of F faces North then the other faces South and vice-versa). Immediate neighbours of K face opposite directions (i.e, if one neighbor of K faces North then the other faces South and vice-versa). People sitting at the extreme ends face the opposite directions (i.e., if one person faces North then the other faces South and vice-versa). F faces to south direction. E does not sit near to L.
If each of the persons is made to sit in alphabetical order from right to left the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to the original seating arrangement?(Including D)
The correct Answer is:A
It is given that L sits fourth to left of A. A sits at one of the extreme ends of the line so there can be two possibilities.
Case-1 When A faces south, both the immediate neighbours of L face north. K sits second to left of Z. Z is not an immediate neighbor of L. Neither Z nor G sits at the extreme end of the line so Z sits immediate left to A and faces south. G faces opposite direction to F. Both the immediate neighbors of G face north. Immediate neighbours of F face opposite directions. Immediate neighbours of K face opposite directions. F faces to south direction so F sits immediate left to Z.E sits second to the left of I so G sits second to the right to L but it is given that E does not sit near to L so this case will be eliminated.
Case-2 When A faces north, both the immediate neighbours of L face north. K sits second to left of Z. Z is not an immediate neighbor of L. Neither Z nor G sits at the extreme end of the line so Z sits immediate left to A and faces north. G faces opposite direction to F. Both the immediate neighbors of G face north. Immediate neighbours of F face opposite directions. Immediate neighbours of K face opposite directions. F faces to south direction so F sits immediate left to E.E sits second to the left of I so G sits second to the left to A.L faces south, so the final arrangement is-

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(a) Br2(l)+CaI2(aq.)→
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