Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. Given some information:
A@ means the one who earns double amount than A sits 2nd to the right of A.
A# means the one who earns 800 more than A sits immediate left of A
A% means one who earns 480 less than A sits 4th to the left of A
A& means the difference between the earning of A and the one who sits 3rd to the left of A is greater than 2000.
There are eight friends i.e. P, B, C, D, E, M, N and O are sitting around a circular table şuch that facing towards the Centre. They earn different amounts as their monthly salary. N sits third to the right of B. The one who earns Rs 2790 is the immediate neighbour of N. P earns 5100 and sits second to the right of the one who earns Rs 2790. E sits third to the right of P. Only one person sits between E and O, who sits second to the right of M. M and D are not immediate neighbours.
What is the sum of the salary of B and M if the code is B% and P# ?
The correct Answer is:D
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