Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
There are eight persons i.e. A, B, C, D, M, N, O and P who all sitting around a circular table such that four of them like fruits i.e. Banana, Mango, Litchi, Kiwi and other four likes Rose, Orchid, Lily and Sunflower. Those who likes Flower face outside and those who like Fruits face inside. M sits third to the right of the one who likes Rose. Only one person sits between the one who likes Rose and Orchid. N, who likes Kiwi sits third to the right of the one who likes Orchid. Only one person sits between N and the one who likes Banana. O does not like Flower. O sits opposite to the one who like Mango. Only one person sits between O and P. The one who like Litchi and sunflower are immediate neighbours. P faces same direction as N. A sit second to the right of B and does not like Orchid. C is not immediate neighbour of P. D is not the immediate neighbour of M.
Which of the following is true about D?
D likes Mango
D sits second to the left of M.
D sits opposite to B.
D face inside
The correct Answer is:C
M sits third to the right of the one who likes Rose. Only one person sits between the one who likes Rose and Orchid. N, who likes Kiwi sits third to the right of the one who likes Orchid. Only one person sits between N and the one who likes Banana.
O does not like Flower. O sits, opposite to the one who like Mango. So, O likes Banana and M likes Mango. Only one person sits between O and P. The one who like Litchi and sunflower are immediate neighbours. P same direction as N. So, from these statements case 1 will be eliminated.
Mango A sit second to the right of B and does not like Orchid. C is not immediate neighbour of P.D is not the immediate neighbour of M.

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