Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight friends - E, F, G, H, J, K, L and M are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each of them is wearing dress of different cartoon characters i.e. Nobita, Osward, Popeye, Yogi, Simpon, Minion, Scrooge and Dexter but not necessarily in the same order. F is sitting second to the left of K. The one who is wearing dress of Dexter is an immediate neighbour of K. There are only three people sits between the the one who is wearing dress of Dexter and E. Only one person sits between the one who is wearing dress of Yogi and E. The one who is wearing dress of Osward is to the immediate right of the one who is wearing dress of Yogi. M is second to the right of K. H is wearing dress of Dexter, G and J are immediate neighbours of each other. Neither G nor J is wearing dress of Yogi. The one who is wearing dress of Simpon is to the immediate left of F. The one who is wearing dress of Minion is second to the right of the one who is wearing dress of Osward. The one who is wearing dress of Scrooge is an immediate neighbour of the one who is wearing dress of Yogi. G is second to the right of the one who is wearing dress of Nobita.
What is the position of L with respect to the one who is wearing dress of Dexter?
Third to the left.
Second to the right
Second to the left
Third to the right
The correct Answer is:B
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