Study the following information to answer the given questions.
I, J, K,L, X, Z, B and A are representatives of eight different countries, Japan, Brazil, Spain, Holland, Hungary, Germany, Chile and Canada but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are seated around a circular table for a meeting.
I is third to the left of the representative of Germany. The representative of Chile, Who is not X, is an immediate neighbour of A, B and A are not immediate neighbours. Only one person sits between A and the representative of Canada. L is neither the representative nor the immediate neighbour of the Brazilian country. Only two people sit between X and B. .Neither X nor B is an immediate neighbor of I. Neither X nor B is the representative of Germany. The representative of Spain sits second to the right of L. L is not an immediate neighbor of I. L is not the representative of Germany and I is not the representative of Spain. The representative of Japan sits third to the left of Z. The representatives of Japan and Germany are not immediate neighbours. Only one person sits between L and the representative of the Holland country. J is not the representative of Chile.
If Z is related to Brazil, J is related to Chile, in the same way A is related to which of the following?
The correct Answer is:A
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