Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. They are in Sikkim for the holidays. Each of them likes a different location of Sikkim – Nathula pass, Tsomgo lake, Buddha Park, Hanuman Tok, Ranak monastery, Gurudongmar lake, Yume samdong and Kanchenjunga falls but not necessarily in the same order.
There are two persons sit between those who like Nathula pass and Tsomgo lake when counted clockwise from the person who likes Tsomgo lake arid neither of them sits opposite to M. O and Sare immediate neighbours and neither of them likes Kanchenjunga falls nor Tsomgo lake.
M, who likes Yume samdong, sits second to the right of the girl who likes Kanchenjunga falls. N and Q neither like Buddha park nor sit adjacent to M. Q who likes Tsomgo. lake, sits second to the left of S, who likes Hanuman Tok. O does not like Nathula pass. The immediate neighbour of faces O, who sits third to the left of the one who likes Yume samdong. R does not like Kanchenjunga falls. Both P and T do not like Nathula pass and Buddha Park. N likes Gurudongmar lake while Plikes Ranak monastery. N is not an immediate neighbour of M.
Which of the following statements is/are true about Q?
Q likes Tsomgo lake.
Q is sitting opposite T.
Q is not an immediate neighbour of O.
All A,B and C are true
The correct Answer is:D
i. It is given that there are two persons sit between those who like Nathula pass and Tsomgo lake when counted clockwise from the person who likes Tsomgo lake and neither of them sits opposite to M.Q who likes Tsomgo lake, sits second to the left of S, who likes Hanuman Tok.
ii. The immediate neighbour of Q faces O, who sits third to the left of the one who likes Yume samdong. O does not like Nathula pass so O sits immediate right to S.
iii. M, who likes Yume samdong, sits second to the right of the girl who likes Kanchenjunga falls so the one who likes Kanchenjunga sits opposite to Q. N liķes Gurudongmar lake and he is not the neighbour of M so N sits immediate right to Q. P likes Ranak monastery hence P sits immediate left to Q.
iv. R does not like Kanchenjunga falls so R likes Nathula pass.T likes Khanchenjunga falls and O likes Buddha park. The final arrangement is -

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