At least 25 people were seriously injured while going for a picnic on a weekend. Which of the following can be probable cause of the above effect?
(i) The bus in which people were travelling met with an accident while taking a turn on the highway. (ii) The state government has banned all picnics for the next six months with immediate effect. (iii) The driver of the bus in which the people were travelling did not report after reaching the halting place of their journey.
Only I
Only II
Only III
Only I and II
The correct Answer is:A
Often accidents lead to such incidents.
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View Solutionनिम्नलिखित पर संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए-
(i ) डार्जेन अभिक्रिया , (ii ) वुर्ट्ज अभिक्रिया।
View Solutionनिम्नलिखित पर संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए-
(i ) आयोडोफॉर्म परीक्षण ।
(ii ) सैण्डमेयर अभिक्रिया ।
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View Solutionदिए गये विघुत परिपथ की सहायता से ज्ञात कीजिए
- (i) परिपथ में धारा , तथा
(ii) बिन्दु A तथा B के बीच विभवान्तर ।
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(ii ) अधिकतम धारा का मान क्या है ?
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(i) एक सम संख्या हो, जो 8 से अधिक हो,
(ii) 3 का गुणज हो, जोकि 9 से अधिक न हो।
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