Study the following alphanumeric series carefully and answer the questions given below:
A S 2 ! D F@ 9 G H 7 # 8 J K 3 $ % L Z * 5 ^ X C 4 V & B 6 N 1
STEP 1: The letters which are immediately preceded by symbol and immediately followed by a consonant are arranged just after 2 in the series in the alphabetical order.
STEP 2: The numbers which are immediately preceded by the Symbol and immediately followed by the letter are arranged between 6 and N in the decreasing order.
STEP 3: The letters which are immediately preceded by the symbol and immediately followed by the number are arranged in the beginning of the series in the alphabetical order.
NOTE: (STEP 2 is applied after STEP 1 and STEP 3 is applied after STEP 2)
How may numbers are between 4th element from left and 7th element from right in the last step?
None of these
The correct Answer is:D
None of these
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