In each of the questions given below. a group of letter is given followed by four combinations of symbols/number (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to find out which of the four combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the symbol/number codes and the condition given below. if none of the four combinations represents the group of digits correctly give
(e) 'None of these' as the answer.
(a) If the first fourth letter of the word are vowel, then both are coded as first letter.
(b) If the first letter is vowel and last letter is consonant.Then both are coded as last letter.
(c) If the both first and last letter of the word are vowel, then the cords for both letter will be interchanged.
(d) If the both first and last letter of the word are consonant that both are coded as &.
The correct Answer is:A
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