In the arrangement shown in Fig. 15.3.15 the ends P and Q of an unstretchable string move downwards with uniform speed U. Pulleys A nd B are fixed. Mass M moves upwards with a speed.
In the arrangement shown in Fig. 15.3.15 the ends P and Q of an unstretchable string move downwards with uniform speed U. Pulleys A nd B are fixed. Mass  M moves upwards with a speed.

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Suppose the distance of point O from the ceiling is y and the distance of point O from each pulley is x and the distance beween the two pulleys is l.
x2=y2+124 (##AKSDOCOBJPHYXIV01A_C04SLV026_S01.png width=80%> <br> Diiferentiating the above equation w.r.t. to t<br>2x((dx)/(dt))=2y((dy)/(dt))+(1)/(4)2l((dl)/(dt))<br>But,u=-(dx)/(dt), v+(dy)/(dt) and (dl)/(dt)<br>:. -xu = yu and v=-u(x)/(y) = usectheta<br>:. Velocity of mass = v = usectheta (upwards)


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