A piece of metal floats on mercury. The coefficient of volume expansion of metal and mercury are γ1andγ2, respectively. if the temperature of both mercury and metal are increased by an amount ΔT, by what factor does the fraction of the volume of the metal submerged in mercury changes ?
Let the total volume of metal in air and mercury be V and Vs respectively, ρandσ be the the densities of metal and mercury respectively. when the metal floats in equilibrium, Fraction of the volume submerged,
fs=VsV=ρσ ...(1)
When the temperature changes, the fraction of volume submerged changes as densities change.
Δfsfs=fs.fs−1=ρ1σ1×σρ−1 ...(2)
Densities of liquid and metal decrease as temperature increases ρ.=ρ1+γ1ΔT,σ.=σ1+γ2ΔT
which on substitution in eqn. (2) yields
= (γ2−γ1)ΔT(1+γ1ΔT)=(γ2−γ1)ΔT(1−γ1ΔT)
= (γ2−γ1)ΔT
[As 11+γ1ΔT=(1+γ1ΔT)−1=(1−γ1ΔT)andγ1γ2 small number, it has been neglected]
When the solid is completely submerged,
b) fs1=fs(1+γΔT1),fs2=fs(1+γΔT2)
fs1fs2=(1+γΔT11+γΔT2). On solving for γ, we have
c) As fs=ρσandfs.=ρ.σ.
If γ2>γ1, the solid sinks.
If γ2=γ1, no effect on submergence.
If γ2<γ1, the solid lifts up.
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