Arrange 13,310,56,25 in ascending order.
To arrange the fractions 13,310,56,25 in ascending order, we can follow these steps:
Step 1: Find the LCM of the denominators
The denominators of the fractions are 3, 10, 6, and 5. We need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of these numbers.
- The prime factorization of each number is:
- 3=31
- 10=21×51
- 6=21×31
- 5=51
To find the LCM, we take the highest power of each prime number:
- For 2: 21
- For 3: 31
- For 5: 51
Thus, the LCM is:
Hint: The LCM is found by taking the highest power of all prime factors present in the denominators.
Step 2: Convert each fraction to have the common denominator
Now we will convert each fraction to have a denominator of 30.
1. 13:
2. 310:
3. 56:
4. 25:
Hint: Multiply each fraction by a form of 1 (in the form of nn) to convert them to the common denominator.
Step 3: Compare the converted fractions
Now we have the fractions:
- 1030
- 930
- 2530
- 1230
We can now compare the numerators:
- 9<10<12<25
Hint: When fractions have the same denominator, simply compare the numerators to determine their order.
Step 4: Write the fractions in ascending order
From the comparison, we can arrange the fractions in ascending order:
1. 310 (which is 930)
2. 13 (which is 1030)
3. 25 (which is 1230)
4. 56 (which is 2530)
Thus, the fractions in ascending order are:
Final Answer:
The denominators of the fractions are 3, 10, 6, and 5. We need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of these numbers.
- 3=31
- 10=21×51
- 6=21×31
- 5=51
- For 2: 21
- For 3: 31
- For 5: 51
Now we will convert each fraction to have a denominator of 30.
2. 310:
Now we have the fractions:
- 1030
- 930
- 2530
- 1230
- 9<10<12<25
From the comparison, we can arrange the fractions in ascending order:
1. 310 (which is 930)
2. 13 (which is 1030)
3. 25 (which is 1230)
4. 56 (which is 2530)
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