Describe the post-fertilisation changes in a flower.Solution in Telugu

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Changes taking place in the angiospermic flower after fertilization are called post-fertilization changes.
1) Sepals, petals, stamens, styles and stigma fall off.
2) In some members of Solanaceae, calyx remains persistent even after fertilisation and grows along with the fruit. In Asteraceae, persistent calyx, pappus helps in the fruits dispersal.
3) After fertilization ovary develops into fruit. It stores food materials.
4) Fertilized ovules develop into seeds.
5) Part of ovule - Changes occurring after fertilization
Funiculus - Stalk of the seed
Outer integument. - Testa (outer seed coat)
Inner integument - Tegmen (inner seed coat)
Micropyle - Seed pare
Zygote - Embryo
Synergids - Degenerate
Antipodals - Degenerate
Primary endosperm - Endosperm
Scar of the ovule - Hilum (scar of the seed)
Endospermic and perispermic seed of piper
6) Endosperm is nutritive tissue useful for devloping embryos. It is triploid in angiosperms and formed after fertilization.
