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How does acid rain affect the sculpture buildings?


Reacts with marble to form calcium silicate


Decomposes marble to fom calcium sulphate


Gives a shiny powdery coating the marble stones


Corrodes marble stones

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The correct Answer is:B,D

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Acid Rain Formation:
- Acid rain is formed when pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) are released into the atmosphere. These gases can come from various sources, including vehicle emissions and industrial processes.
- When these oxides mix with rainwater, they undergo chemical reactions to form acids, primarily nitric acid (HNO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

2. Chemical Reaction:
- The chemical reactions can be summarized as follows:
- Nitrogen oxides + Water → Nitric acid
- Sulfur oxides + Water → Sulfuric acid

3. Impact on Sculpture Buildings:
- Sculpture buildings, often made from materials like limestone, marble, or concrete, are susceptible to damage from acid rain.
- The acids in the rain react with the minerals in these materials, leading to a process called chemical weathering.

4. Chemical Weathering Process:
- For example, when sulfuric acid comes into contact with calcium carbonate (found in limestone), a reaction occurs:
- Calcium carbonate + Sulfuric acid → Calcium sulfate + Carbon dioxide + Water
- This reaction results in the dissolution of the calcium carbonate, which weakens the structure of the sculpture.

5. Consequences of Damage:
- Over time, repeated exposure to acid rain can lead to significant erosion, loss of detail, and structural integrity of the sculptures.
- This can result in aesthetic degradation and may require costly restoration efforts.

6. Long-term Effects:
- In addition to immediate damage, acid rain can lead to long-term deterioration of cultural heritage sites and monuments, affecting their historical value and requiring preservation measures.
