Each question given below has a statemnt followed by two courses of action numbered l and ll. A course of action is a step of adiministrative decision to be taken for improvement follow up or further action in regard to the probem, policy, etc on the basic of the information given in the statement. You have to assume everthing in the statement to be true, then decide which of the two suggested courses o action logically follows for pursuing.
Statement Financial stringency prevented the State Government from paying salaries to its employees for the last three months.
Courses of Action
I. The State Government should reduce wasteful expenditure and arrange to pay the salaries of its employees.
II. The State Government should immediately curtail the staff strength.
if only I follows,
if only II follows,
if either I or II follows,
if neither I nor II follows,
The correct Answer is:A
The problem is non-payment to employees. The cause: financial stringency. Will I solve it? Yes. To reduce wasteful expenditure would definitely be a right step towards solution. Will Il solve the problem! Yes. If we reduce the number of employees, the question of paying then salaries does not arise. But is II a proper action? No. To curtail staf strength would mean to leave many people jobless: this is an extreare action and should not be taken without sufficient reason.
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